For the past several years in August we have hosted a golf outing at “The Oaks at Rivers Edge” (formerly the Elks golf course) in Pontiac, IL. This event began as a fun day on the golf course and a way of making folks aware of the Salem4youth ministry. Over the years it has become a “tradition” for many golfers to come and play 18 holes “FORE THE BOYS!” Although not “billed” necessarily as a fundraiser many of the golfers or local companies have blessed the event through being hole sponsors. By the grace of God these sponsorships have more than offset the cost of the event!
This year’s Outing is August 1, 2025 at “The Oaks at River’s Edge” course in Pontiac, IL. Tee time is 8 am and it is a “scramble” format. Cost is $100/golfer (inc. golf, cart, lunch and hole prizes). If you would be interested in being a Hole Sponsor the cost is $1000 (inc. golf, cart, hole signage, logo in the printed program, lunch and hole prizes). For more information or to register please contact Mac at Salem. You can call The Ranch at 815.796.4561 or email him at We invite you to bless the boys and the work here while having a fun day! It’s “FORE THE BOYS!”